Questions to ask before hiring a Civil Construction Works Company

On a whole, some will argue, the construction industry does not necessarily cover itself in waves of glory. Companies and individuals alike all have stories of horror depicting unnecessary delays or questionable quality control (among other things) . . . but there are always three sides to every story.

In truth each construction project has its own challenges – often presenting major issues that no company can plan for but, certainly, providing opportunities where they can prove their worth by how those issues are resolved.

Those are the types of companies worth investing in. Below we highlight (just some) of the questions you should be asking before deciding on a civil works contractor.

Business history and track record

You need to find out how long a company has been trading for. While by no means a definitive indication of ability (new companies start up all the time) it would give you some indication as to track-record, with previous clients in a position to give you some direct feedback on their experience.

Most companies would offer Case Studies, testimonials and other collateral that attests to experience and successes achieved. Do a little research to gain insights into the people and general operation behind the promises.

Safety and quality control record

A poor safety record is a non-starter in the construction industry. Whether you are in civil works or any other part of the project ecosystem, the highest levels of safety and quality procedures are a must.

Make sure you choose a partner that can prove the necessary programmes and certifications, e.g. ISO standards.

License and registration please

Working with unregistered and unlicensed operators puts you and your company at risk. You may save a few rand here and there, but you are left exposed to shoddy quality work, safety risks, legal suites and other project pitfalls that can inflict serious and (often irreversible) damage to your operation.

Make sure you deal with reputable and licensed contractors only.

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