Skin Needling

My all-time favourite facial treatment….because it works ☺

Turn back time with Skin Needling!

The skin starts showing the first signs of aging from the age of 25. Skin becomes thinner, blood circulation deteriorates and the natural production of collagen and elastin starts to slow down, causing the skin to lose its firmness and elasticity. This natural aging process starts from the inside out, but is also accelerated by external factors, including excess UV light, air conditioning, stress and stimulants such as alcohol and tobacco.

The Secret

Collagen is the key. Collagen is the most important support structure found naturally in our skin helping to maintain the appropriate tightness, elasticity and suppleness. Over the course of time, our skin gradually loses its natural collagen, leading to facial laxity and the formation of wrinkles and folds .As the ageing skin loses its structural proteins (collagen and elastin) it becomes lax and begins to sag, which contributes to a tired and aged look.

Re-activate the collagen and elastin production of the skin from inside out. The self-repairing property of the skin is a 100% natural form of skin renewal from the inside out. Skin Needling is the only skin improving wrinkle treatment method that combines both aspects: natural skin improvement from the inside out and externally applied active ingredients by means of special serums.

The Result

Become your younger and fresher YOU in a 100% natural way!  Skin Needling helps re-activate what your skin has lost over time by turning back the biological clock in a 100% natural way, giving your face a fresher and younger look.


Wrinkles, frown lines, crow’s feet, under eye bags, acne scars, enlarged pores, age spots, sun spots, pigmentation, smile lines, thin lips, marionette lines, sagging skin, neck bands, hydration, overall integrity of the skin stimulating circulation and cell regeneration.

Perfect for all skin types and conditions.

Schedule an appointment today and discover a more youthful “you”. Book your Skin Needling procedure and receive a complimentary skin peel to the value of R650.

Celest 082 788 7026



Copyright © 2017 Celest Antiga ~ Permanent Makeup, Microblading, Skin Needling Clinic & Academy

Eyebrow Solutions

Eyebrow Solutions Done at Celest Antiga Permanent Makeup, Microblading, Skin Needling Clinic & Academy

•           Ombre – The ombre effect comes from using two different brow colours, one lighter than the other.  It is more natural looking than solid colour and is the latest thing in eyebrow Permanent Makeup.  The term ‘Ombre’ from the French word meaning shaded or shading.

•           Microblading – Hair stroke method is ideal for those who have very little to no eyebrow hair to begin with. Very fine hairline strokes are created to visually replicate individual natural hairs (as opposed to a “block” or solid look). Light shading is then applied to give the brows dimension.    

•           Powder Filled Technique – The “powder filled” technique involves a filling in or thickening of areas that already have eyebrow hair present with a soft or darker colour which varies in transparency.  As opposed to creating hairline strokes from scratch to cover bald or thin areas, the powdery filled technique is best for those simply wanting shaping and or a blocked like look enhancement.     

•           Soft Fill Technique – This technique is most beneficial for individuals who already have hair on their brows, but have gaps in between the hairs needing to be filled.       

•           Soft Shading Technique – Soft shading technique is usually applied in combination with other techniques like the hair stroke technique, to create a soft transparent background from one area of the brow to another.      

•           Eyebrow Creating – Full Brows – The full created hair stroke eyebrow procedure is a combination of techniques, first by creating a shadowing background of the entire brow (either powdery, soft shading,  or soft fill), layered on top with natural looking hairs (soft hair strokes) of different pigments creating dimension and depth. This option is optimal for people with sparse to no hair over the brow area.

•           Feathering Technique – This is basically a combination of the shading and hair stroke techniques, whereby strokes are made closer to one another creating a shaded dimensional appearance. Certain skin types will fair better than others with a feather shaded eyebrow.

•           3d Eyebrow Technique – The 3d eyebrows procedure is an extremely popular method for brow enhancement. Delicate strokes done in little sections (applied from the inner to outer corner of the brow), are created to replicate natural hair using bolder pigment. This helps to define and strengthen sparse or thin areas of the brow, leaving a completely natural looking 3d appearance.   

•           Colour Corrections – Fixing shape and correcting old eyebrows colours that are blue, purple, orange and pink

Please contact Celest on 082 788 7026 or for further information and a quote.

Copyright © 2017 Celest Antiga ~ Permanent Makeup, Microblading, Skin Needling Clinic & Academy



What is it?

Dermaplaning is a deep exfoliating procedure used
 to gently scrape off the top layer of dulling dead skin cells in order to reveal a smoother, brighter complexion, exfoliating the surface layer of the skin while ridding the skin of vellus hair (peach fuzz). Hair on the face will not grow back heavier or darker after dermaplaning. This is not the case, it is merely an old house wives tale. As long as the hair is superficial vellus hair, it will grow back at the same rate and texture as before the treatment.  This process allows products to penetrate deeper into the skin thus making facials and chemical peels more effective.

Dermaplaning is a safe exfoliating treatment for pregnant and nursing women. Dermaplaning is a favourite in the entertainment industry, specifically among models and actresses. Why? It also eliminates that annoying peach fuzz that cakes up in makeup and can be enhanced by harsh production lighting and high-definition cameras. Dermaplaning removes all the dead skin cells and also the facial hair, leaving the surface very smooth. Dermaplaning also allows for greater penetration of skincare products and creates a flawless canvas for makeup to glide on smoothly. In fact, cosmetic dermatologists often use dermaplaning to help prepare skin for more intrusive procedures such as laser treatments.

 Who is it for?

 Dermaplaning is recommended for all skin types except those with acneic skin. If you have deep cystic acne, wait until breakouts are clear before trying this treatment. As always, also discuss any allergies or skin sensitivities before starting a treatment.

This is a great treatment if you are pregnant or breast feeding and want exfoliation without the risk of harsh chemicals absorbing into the blood stream and potentially harming your baby.

What does the treatment feel like?

Dermaplaning is a painless procedure and can be compared to the sensation of shaving your legs, but in this case, it’s on your face.

Are there immediate side effects?

There are no side effects and zero downtime. Facial procedures can often leave a girl with several days of downtime, but that is not the case with dermaplaning. In fact, the only side effect is smoother skin.

What are the anticipated results?

You’ll immediately look more radiant with a more even skin tone and texture.  All of your peach fuzz will be gone, which is why first-timers say their skin has never felt so soft before.

Recommended course for optimal results?

Dermaplaning removes 21 days’ worth of dead skin cells, so it’s best to allow the skin to complete its rejuvenation cycle before your next treatment.

Speaking of skin care products… 

After this procedure, your skin care products will work much better as they are able to absorb directly into the skin without having to work their way through layers of dead. For clients interested in complimentary procedures, dermaplaning pairs beautifully with a chemical peel as the clean, refreshed skin is more receptive to the chemicals utilized in the peel.

How long does it take?

1 hour R550 per treatment incuding a delicate alpha hydroxy acid peel (vitamin C).

Please contact Celest on 082 788 7026 or for further information and a quote.

Copyright © 2017 Celest Antiga ~ Permanent Makeup, Microblading, Skin Needling Clinic & Academy

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