About Us


A Leading boutique law firm in Johannesburg 

At Marie van Coller Incorporated we believe in the law, not only because it is just, but because it is crucial for the orderly functioning of our society. We believe in it because through binding us, the law gives us freedom. And we practise it in a way that shows our faith and passion in the law as the ultimate instrument of justice: with professionalism, accuracy and integrity.

Marie Van Coller Incorporated is a fast growing boutique law firm in Johannesburg with over 25 years of experience in the practice making our firm a prudent choice for anyone.

Our corporate culture embraces a collaborative work ethic, which has a significant impact on our ability to provide business solutions as well as our capacity to respond tactically and timorously to matters at hand.

As a leading law firm in Johannesburg with offices strategically located in Midrand, we are able to provide the highest level of quality service in our practice. Our complement of professional staff enables our firm to cover the entire spectrum of practice in property law, civil litigation, and criminal law and labour law ensuring that we provide exceptional services to all our clients.



To lead clients successfully through challenging life transitions with accessible, effective legal advice, education and assertive representation.



To be recognized for exceeding clients’ needs for trust, compassion, guidance, innovation and advocacy.



  • Zero Harm

    We will not harm in anyway. We value humanity, the environment, and the economy.

  • Integrity
    We will live and exceed the requirements set forth as prescribe by the Law Society
  • Innovation
    We will be innovative in our practice of the law to expand the proper application of a just society
  • Sinobuntu
    We are proudly South African and to be proudly South African means that we work together as a team with a quality that incorporates the basic human ethics; sympathy and mankind
  • Customer satisfaction
    We endeavor to have more rehash business than new clients. Our customers are of great significance to us and hence realizing that you are secured by us through each situation in life with respect to the law.